Susan's healing journey began over 25 years ago, when at the age of 15, deeply vivid past life visions began to emerge through her sight. These extrasensory experiences set her upon a search for Truth that would expand upon many different countries and peoples from Machu Picchu, where she studied Shamanism with Q'ero Shaman leader Don Manuel Quiespeto India, where she mediated 15 hours dailyto the heart of Africa and to Kawaii, where she studied Medical Intuition with Vianna Steibel, founder of DNA Theta Healing. Susan's love for healing and spirituality has inspired her to study and become certified in several additional healing modalities: Hypnotherapy, Past-Life Regression, Reiki, Polarity, Massage Therapy, and Cranial Sacral Unwinding.
While helping her clients kindle their natural capacity to heal, Susan began to notice the presence of Angels standing at the foot of the table. These Angels varied in size, shape, color, and vibration. The Love emanating from the Angels was so strong, that often, the client would be aware of their presence. Time and again the Angels offered guidance for Susan to share with her clients. As she began to channel these messages, Susan noticed the tremendous physical, spiritual and emotional resonance it had on her clients. These timely, honest, Inspiring, and heart-warming messages "were truly Divine." Indeed, these experiences were simply the beginning of Susan's conscious communication and revelation of Angels.
For more information please contact:
Susan Hart
310.288-0890 USA
Phone Sessions Available
Susan will be a Lecturer and Exhibitor at:
The Conscious Life Expo 2006
4th Annual conference
February 10 - 13, 2006
Susan will be available for readings at her
booth # 533
Angel Heart Connection
Connect & Comunicate with your Angels
Booth 533 - Feb 10 - 13 2006
LAX Hilton
5711 West Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Lecture: Angel-Heart Illuminations: Connecting With Your Angels
Sunday, 12 Noon - 12:45 February 12, 2006
For More Information:
If You are in the Los Angeles area stop by and tell her Sharae sent you ...
Susan is well worth contacting in person or by telephone ...
soon her website will be available and you will find a link here for it.
Information furnished by Sharae Taylor and Susan Hart
Image © Susan Hart
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