Friday, December 30, 2005

Entering the Energy of 2006 by Doreen Virtue

Entering the Energy of 2006
by Doreen Virtue
Today we enter into a powerful time for our planet, beginning with today’s New Moon in Capricorn which sets the tone for 2006. This weekend is a peak time for your manifestation activities. It is a wonderful time to write, visualize, and affirm all of your heartfelt dreams.
Each new year, Archangel Michael gives me prophetic visions of what to expect for the coming year. Michael says that 2006 will be exactly of your own choosing. Each of us will have different experiences with 2006, according to how we handle the new energy.
Michael says that 2006 brings in a new level of energy that perfectly mirrors our thoughts our reality. The angels call this new energy elastic. The theme of 2006 is What You Put Out There, Is What Comes Back To You. If you say kind things about other people, then other people will say kind things about you. If you are generous with others, then others will be generous with you. If you expect doors of opportunity to open for you, they will. Conversely, if you think or say anything negative about people, the world, government, or Anything . . . the negativity will immediately come back to you.
This is a year where all of our spiritual lessons are called into action. We will all receive more divine guidance, clearly and easily. If we follow this guidance without delay, we find ourselves gliding along the flow of a fun, healthy, and prosperous new year. If we ignore the guidance, we wonder if we are being tested, ignored, or punished.
2006 will be like living in a house of mirrors. Whatever you expect to see, you will see. Whatever you send into the mirror, will instantly reflect back to you. The new energy is clear, high, and bright . . . and is a wonderful opportunity to experience heaven upon earth.
Make time this weekend to positively visualize and affirm your wishes and desires. Feel gratitude that they are already manifest and don’t worry about how they will come into material form. Since we are all one in truth, whatever you wish for yourself is what you wish for others as well. The reverse is also true: whatever you wish for another is what you wish for yourself.
You can call upon the Archangels Michael and Jophiel for help in releasing any negative tendencies that you would like to leave behind in 2005. The angels will transmute the underlying fear beneath the negativity. In place of the fear, the angels will help you to feel loved in all ways.
I see and feel grateful that you are peaceful, feeling loved and loveable, completely healthy, prosperous, and enjoying a meaningful career based upon your natural talents, passions, and interests. I see and feel grateful that the planet is peaceful, the environment is clean, that all people and animals have their needs met and are treated with love and compassion. I see and feel grateful that all residents of this planet enjoy the best year ever in 2006!
With Love and Gratitude,
Doreen © Doreen Virtue
brought to you

Angels by Sharae