Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Celebration of "Lily"

The Celebration of "Lily"

Happy 2009!


I am wanting to share with you

my beginning of the year 2009 ...

the birth of my new Granddaughter "Lily"!

She is the first new year's baby for Moore County, NC

so she will be making the local newspaper ...

the reporter has already been in and taken her and

the proud new parents picture...

She was born:

Jan. 1, 2009 12:27 am

6.4 pounds 19 inches

The clock actually said 12:15, but they had to go by

what the computer monitor said which was 12:27

Mother and baby are doing fine

In Celebration of the arrival of my New Granddaughter "Lily" Jan. 1, 2009 - 12:27 AM New Year's Baby !

I am offering a "Lily Celebration" special if you are

anyone else might be interested ...

you can reach the page link on my front page

I am so excited about this new child and wish to share the

energy with everyone ... I can not think of a better way to

start a new year than with a new birth ...

a new spirit... a new soul coming in!

She is already bringing incredible energy

throughout my family in the bringing together

of excitement and love !

I wish for you and yours an incredible year

with all of your dreams and wishes coming true...

and many, many blessings!

I am grateful to have you in my life ...

Much Love,


©sharae taylor

Friday, April 11, 2008

Angel Update for Angels by Sharae


Just a quick note to update you on a few new things on Angels by Sharae ...

1. My "Monthly Special" as you are aware I have offered for a very long time as my way of giving back to let everyone take advantage and have their own personalized Angel Painting. Now to offer more variety and savings I have now changed it to my "Weekly Special" each week a new size and category will be offered ... every 7 days there will be something new. There are really two specials a week ... I am offering a 6 x 8 Canvas Angel painting for those of you that want something smaller or as a gift ... that will be listed as Special 2 ... don't let the monthly special in the url below fool you ... it was easier to update the page instead of creating a whole new web page ... time is valuable ! LOL!

2. The "Archangel Michael Attunement" is Now Available! Susan and I are very excited about this attunement as we know many have been waiting for it.

3. The Angel Prints are still being offered Buy 2 get 2 FREE of the same size ... No Expiration Date on this right now ... This has been such a success for people wanting Angels to give as a gift so I thought...Why not just keep it this way ... Especially with Mother's Day coming up on May 11th and there have been several new Angel print choices added that you may not be aware of.

4. The Free Angel Reading cards are still available and many use them daily ... I do this myself as they are truly uncanny!

Of course, I am still available for your one on one questions

5. One last thing ... I am updating my current mailing list to 2008 ... and deleting the old one as so many of the email addresses are out dated ... if you would like to be added you can sign up on the Ask the Angels page ... you will receive a confirmation email that you must click on to be added ... this is just a way to make sure you do want to be added ... also check your junk or spam mail as I know several have emailed me wondering what happened and this is where they found their confirmation email ... I also am keeping an eye on the pending file as some are not receiving the confirmation email because of their provider sending it back as undeliverable ...please put in your email OK to receive emails from

I want to wish you a most Joyous Spring, may the Angels surround you with their love and may you continue to listen for their guidance ... and many, many blessings,

Much love, Sharae

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Archangel Michael Attunement

Archangel Attunement ~ The Definition

Attunement ~ To bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship. Also referred to as at-one-ment, the term relates primarily to the idea that complete oneness with God can be experienced by human beings... (New Age Dictionary on Attunement)

Archangel Attunements are divine energy transmissions from the Archangels to you. An attunement is given through the grace and unconditional love from the Archangel to you, and is made possible by your direct divine desire to receive the Angelic Alignment within your heart, mind, body, and soul ...

Archangel Michael also known as "Lord Michael", and "the great Prince," is considered by many to be the greatest of all angels. The name "Michael" means, "Who is as God." Michael’s radiant love for god and humanity burns brightly across the heavens, as he and his legions of angels work miracles throughout the universe.

It is said that Michael was present at the creation of the universe and has vowed to remain in his position as overseer to the evolution of humanity. Michael has played an important role throughout many of our religious scriptures, and is one of the few Archangels that are mentioned in the Bible. Archangel Michael is revered within the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions.

Michael known as the Archangel of courage and protection is often depicted as wearing armor, carrying a shield and wielding a protective sword. Michael’s sword is a sacred symbol for the blue flame of truth and justice that Michael so generously administers to all those who call for his aide and protection. The spiritual intensity of Michael’s blue flame has the ability to cut through earthly illusions of fear, self-doubt, and hopelessness, while brightly shinning the light of inner truth and divinity that resides at the center of our being.

Archangel Michael governs the first ray, the ray of the will to do. Some of the qualities that Archangel Michael radiates are those of courage, strength, integrity, faith, love, and protection.

Archangel Michael reaches out to us to awaken to our own divinity. He reveals that God is and has always been here with us, within us…. The essence of the very truth of who we are. The very heart of who we are. Michael reveals that any feeling or sense of separation from god is an illusion. This illusion is created by the structure and consciousness of the 3rd dimension. And we as seekers of ever expanding consciousness choose to explore depth and the dynamics of the material and denser planes of existence. We did this in order to create

Michael reveals to us in our time of transformation and longing to return to the heart of God,…..Just as the wave is never separated from the ocean… You have never been separated from the divine presence. It is time for you to embrace the divinity and magnificent of who you are.

Archangel Michael is calling out to all light bearers and light workers of the world to shine your blue flames of courage and divine truth for all to see. With joy and love open your hearts to love right here, right now….Today…. Set your heart on fire with passion and love and light the way for those who cannot see. Believe and know in your heart that you are the light and the way…. The journey to heaven is here. Heaven is all around you now…. Open your eyes, and your heart and let it in. Let Grace and Gratitude light the way Archangel Michael ... and the Blue Ray ...

Archangel Michael Attunement ~

To Order Print & Attunement or Painting ... © 2008 Susan Hart & Sharae Taylor &

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Angel of Prosperity - Angels of Abundance - Discover Wealth & Prosperity

~ Angel of Prosperity ~

This Angel brings forth the vibration of creating prosperity and abundance to all those who ask. This Angel assists you in changing your core beliefs, feelings, known and unknown about Prosperity (money). This Angel persists in bringing prosperity awareness in a positive way into your vibration. Through changing your mind set and physical being into an attraction magnet. With the assistance of this Angel you strengthen your knowingness of your ability of creating the prosperity you want in your life. As you realize this and put it into motion the Angel then assists you in even more ways to open, allow, accept and receive prosperity as your given right in this abundant universe. Fear and lack are not part of the prosperity and abundance vibration and does not recognize it. The Angel of Prosperity brings into your realm of beingness your affirmance of unlimited prosperity and abundance created and manifested by you.

definiton of prosperity: prosperous, flourishing, or thriving condition; good fortune; success

definition of abundance: an overflowing quanity or supply ... affluence; wealth

definitions supplied by The American College Dictionary

Angel of Prosperity

Angels by Sharae

© Sharae Taylor - Image & Text

Monday, July 09, 2007

Ask the Angels - Communicating with Your Angel • Communicate with your Angels - Ask your personal and heartfelt questions to your Angels by asking through Sharae's personal connection to your Angels. Internationally known Angel Artist/Angel Intuitive, Sharae, feels honored and privileged to be able to help people and is grateful to be able to use her painting & intuitive gifts to serve the Angels and Divine Source, which she calls God. Sharae works from the heart ... the only way she knows to serve ... Sharae's "Personalized" Angel Paintings (Art for the Soul) and Angel messages are a " Message of Love directly from the Angels & Divine Source" ...Communicating with Angels through Personalized Angel messages, Angel paintings and Angel Prints ... Read what others have to say about Sharae's Angel messages
Angels by Sharae © Sharae Taylor

Saturday, July 07, 2007

" How to Connect with Your Angels in a Sacred Space "
Creating Your Sacred Space:
My definition of Sacred Space: spiritually receptive, where you can sit & meditate or quietly just Be... to nourish your spirit & soul ...
By creating an Angel alter you are setting your intention to the sacredness of the area and its' purpose... connecting to God and His messengers ... the Angels

I am not suggesting this is worship of Angels - this is the intent of creating a sacred space where you are more receptive to God's Angels and the messages, guidance and Love they bring to you and where you create your own strong connection to your own spirituality through the acknowledgement of the Angelic presence in your life. To speak to your Angels from your heart.
1. Choose your space ... a dedicated space for this purpose

2.  Choose objects to place on your Angel alter that have a spiritual meaning and speak to you through  your heart. Candles, incense, Personalized Angel Painting (as shown in the image above) or Angel Print, figures, crystals, a beautiful cloth, plant, flowers, symbols of the heart, box ( I use mine for written messages & letters to my Angels). Remember ... keep it beautiful and clutter free of such things as car keys, etc ...

You can add a comfortable chair, rug .. a comfortable place for you to be when you are following the steps below in connecting with your Angels or just to sit quietly ... it is your space ... make it comfortable.

Once you have your alter completed, dedicate it as an Angel alter and invite your Angels into your space and ask them to fill the space with their Love & Light ... speak to them as you would a dear and beloved friend ... Welcome them with your Love.  They are always with you, but now you are wanting to acknowledge them in your life and connect consciously with them.

To Connect With Your Angels:

1. Take time when you will not be disturbed. .. This is your time ... Where comfortable clothing.

2. Play your favorite Angel music

3. Light your candle ( white, purple or violet) making sure that it is in a safe container for burning.

4. Light incense or aromatherapy oils can be used in their special infuser. Frankincense, sandalwood, lavender or jasmine are good choices ... the preference is yours.

5. Take some deep cleansing breaths and allow your body to relax ... and as you relax focus your intent on connecting with your Angel. You can ask to be connected to your Guardian Angel or an Archangel if you would like ... Ask for them to join you ... and feel their presence.

6. When you feel their gentle presence begin speaking with them ... this can be done silently or out loud. I sometimes write everything out if it is something very detailed I would like to discuss in letter form and put this in my box on my alter and discuss the highlights in my verbal discussion letting them know the details are in my letter ... Remember, if you need their help ... Ask for it.

7. When you are finished ... Thank your Angels... If you would like you can ask for confirmation of your discussion by asking for a symbol ... it may not come immediately so be aware and open to their response in the next day or so. The symbol make come in unexpected ways ... a song on the radio ... a phrase stands out in a sign, a feather in an unlikely place ... a thought floats through your mind that you know is not yours ... just be open and receptive. Listening becomes an important exercise for you ... the answers come in the silence and in many forms ...

The more you work with the Angels the more comfortable, knowledgeable and receptive you will become in the forms of communication that works the best for your relationship ...

Many blessings,

Images & Text © Sharae Taylor -

Friday, July 06, 2007

"Thank You Special"

I wanted to drop a quick note about a 3 Day "Thank You Special" I am having right now as a way of saying Thank You. A great way to do some early Christmas Shopping if you are looking for those Personalized Gifts.
I won't keep you any longer ... I hope you are doing well and having a great Summer!
Many Blessings,
Angel Image © Sharae Taylor -